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Complete plagiarism is taking another person's ideas and presenting it without citation. It is an act of reusing someone else's work and pretending it is like yours. 

Particularly, doing no changes and getting credit without citing the original source is unethical. Moreover It is crucial to understand the complete plagiarism and learn how you can avoid it. 

Let's dive into this article and know how to create your work original and ethical. 

Understanding of “Complete Plagiarism”

Complete plagiarism is "where a person takes another person's work without any modifications. There are different types of complete plagiarism, including:

  • Verbatim copying 
  • Patch writing 
  • Mosaic writing

1. Verbatim copying 

Verbatim copying refers to directly copying someone else's work without editing anything. 

For example:

  • Original text: "An ecosystem is a community of living organisms where they interact with each other and with their physical environment". 
  • Verbatim copy: "An ecosystem is a community of living organisms where they interact with each other and with their physical environment". 

2. Patch writing

Patch writing is another type of complete plagiarism. It involves 2 main steps: 

  • Copying a part of someone's information
  • Changing a few words with the similar meaning and synonyms. But the overall structure and the context of the information remains the same. 

Example for patch writing is:

  • Original text: "The internet is advanced technology, where many people communicate and share information."
  • Patch writing: "The internet has revolutionized the way, where individuals communicate and exchange information."

3. Mosaic writing 

Mosaic writing is the combining of ideas and phrases from many sources. It creates a new text that is not original and has previous information. 

Here is the example of mosaic writing: 

  • Original Text 1: "Almost 50 to 70% students are unaware of plagiarism and they simply use the copy-paste method to make their new document". 
  • Original Text 2: "It is proven with research that almost 60% of the student population reuses someone's other information and gets credit for their efforts". 
  • Mosaic Writing: Plagiarism is copying and stealing of someone's ideas and information. It might be intentional or unintentional but you must know about its consequences". 

It's important to understand these different types of plagiarism to avoid them. Anyhow there are best paraphrasing tools available that help you to work free of cost.

Consequences of Plagiarism

Complete plagiarism is a serious offense that results in bad composition of work. It is a type of plagiarism where someone presents someone else's work. 

The consequences of complete plagiarism in different settings are: 

  • Academic consequences
  • Legal consequences
  • Professional consequences
  • Ethical consequences

1. Academic consequences 

When a student violates the educational rules, they face the academic consequences. Complete plagiarism has a bad impact on academic progress. 

It usually leads to:

  • Failing or rejected in exams
  • Expulsion from the institute
  • Low grades or failing assignment, projects
  • Low self esteem and academic reputation

2. Legal Consequences 

When a person directly uses someone else's work without giving permission. It leads to legal consequences. Original author has official rights to make a legal action against the ones who steal their work. 

  • Legal consequences include:
  • Copyright infringement
  • Punishment on violating copyrights
  • Lawsuit
  • Hefty fine
  • Imprisonment in more advanced cases

Many people don't know that using a paraphrasing tool is not cheating. You can use it appropriately to get plagiarism free work. 

3. Professional Consequences

When someone commits plagiarism at work place means, reuse of another person's project. It damages the professional reputation and new opportunities. Non professional attitude at the workplace leads to professional consequences. 

These may include:

  • Termination from your job
  • Disciplinary actions
  • Loss of credibility
  • Lack of trust between colleagues and clients

4. Ethical Consequences

Complete plagiarism is ethically wrong, as it is an act of taking credit for someone else's work. Ethical consequences include the damage of your personal and professional relationships. You become harm less trustworthy and dishonest for creating new ideas. 

Some of the ethical consequences are:

  • Loss of credibility 
  • Dishonesty
  • Damage professional integrity
  • Poor future prospects

Complete plagiarism is a serious offense that creates severe consequences. To avoid it from your new work, it is crucial to give credit to the original source. 

You can give credit via:

  • Creating a reference list 
  • Use quotation marks 
  • Footnotes
  • Endnotes
  • Acknowledgements

These are the plagiarism consequences that raise questions on your work. The correct understanding and the proper acknowledgment will help you to avoid it. A complete guide on the difference between plagiarism and paraphrasing is helpful to avoid plagiarism. 

How to Avoid Complete Plagiarism

When you start writing, plagiarism can be a big problem. Avoiding plagiarism is necessary because it is unethical and damages your reputation. 

Some practical tips to avoid plagiarism are:

  • Proper citation
  • Paraphrasing
  • Summarizing
  • Use of plagiarism checking tools

1. Proper citation 

Proper citation refers, when you use someone else's ideas, words, or work in your writing, give them full credit. Try to follow the appropriate citation style whether APA, MLA or standard guidelines. 

2. Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing means rewording of someone else's ideas or thoughts in your own words. First understand the difference between paraphrasing and rephrasing. Then you can use it more effectively. Giving proper acknowledgement is also the best way to avoid plagiarism. 

3. Summarizing

Summarizing is an act of summing up someone else's ideas or work into a shorter, more concise form. This avoiding tip also needs proper citation to make work free from plagiarism. So make sure to give proper citation or credit to the original source. 

4. Use of plagiarism-checking tools

Appropriate use of plagiarism checking tools is not cheating. Various online tools are available that can help you to identify your copywriting. 

These tools scan the document and highlight the plagiarism in your writing. So, this identification helps you to give attribution and create plagiarism free content. 

By following above mentioned tips, you can avoid complete plagiarism. Keep it to ensure that your writing should be original, ethical, and engaging. For this purpose, give proper credit to the source and use your own ideas to present your work. 


Generally, complete plagiarism is copying someone else's ideas, thoughts, work and efforts. Giving no credit to the original author and stealing their entire work is unethical. 

It causes various consequences that may results in:

  • Legal actions 
  • Copyright infringements
  • Loss of credibility
  • Damage reputation
  • Lack of critical thinking

So, it is crucial to avoid plagiarism in your work and you can do so by using: 

  • Proper citation style
  • Paraphrasing
  • Summarizing
  • Using Plagiarism checking tool

These are some common ways to avoid plagiarism in your writing and protect yourself. So create better content and become a better writer.